The 2013 and 50th Anniversary of Merrie Monarch Festival is completed. The costumes have returned home, the adornments have been returned to their resting places, the awards sit proudly in their assigned spot, the hundreds of photos are being reviewed, the beautiful things that were purchased are being admired, and numerous thoughts are being shared. There was nothng like this year. It indeed celebrated those things that we love; hula, music, chant, hana no'eau, food, friends, and enjoyment.
I am grateful for the warm hospitality of the people of Hilo who welcomed hundreds of people into their home. They shared their favorite eating places, parking spots, and stores with us. They were patient with those of us who didn't know where we were going or were impatient to get somewhere. They exhibited the finest qualities of neighbor island living. I'm sure for most of them it is good to get their town back and to get back to their regular routine.
Mahalo to the legions of supporters for each hula dancer. More than could ever be counted; babysitters, van drivers, hair dressers, seamstresses, musicians, cooks, lei makers, those who bought fundraiser items, and those who massaged sore bodies. Each person in the support system was critical to the success of the dancer. If you multiply that by the hundreds of dancers who graced the stage, you have a unbelievable amount of people who support the cultural practice of hula. We are grateful for each of them.
Most of all, mahalo to Luana Kawelu, Kathy, and George who make all of it possible. They work tirelessly and into the early morning so that we can enjoy. I cannot know the particulars of such an immense undertaking, but I am grateful for those who continue to do it year after year. The men of Koa Puna, the many ushers and volunteers, and the royal court. So many Hilo folks who do it for the love of their home and for hula.
So, mahalo to all who contributed to the the Merrie Monarch's 50th Anniversary. We'll see you next year!
Beautifully put.